hitomezashi-rs Classic two-colored Hitomezashi stitch pattern generator
Copyright (C) 2024 Nicholas Johnson
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//! Classic two-colored Hitomezashi stitch pattern generator.
use rand::distributions::{Bernoulli, Distribution};
use std::io::{stdout, StdoutLock, Write};
const TRANSPARENT_SQUARE: char = ' ';
const OPAQUE_SQUARE: char = '█';
fn print_square(lock: &mut StdoutLock, is_opaque: bool) {
if is_opaque {
} else {
/// Prints a two-colored Hitomezashi stitch pattern of the specified dimensions.
/// `skew` is the probability of a row or column beginning with a stitch. Skew values near 0 or 1
/// generate orderly patterns. Skew values near 0.5 generate chaotic patterns.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if any of the following constraints are not met:
/// `width >= 1`
/// `height >= 1`
/// `0 <= skew <= 1`
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use hitomezashi_rs;
/// hitomezashi_rs::generate(15, 20, Some(0.7));
/// ```
pub fn generate(width: usize, height: usize, skew: Option) {
// skew=0.5 generates the most random-looking patterns
let skew: f64 = skew.unwrap_or(0.5);
assert!(width >= 1, "Width must be a positive number!");
assert!(height >= 1, "Height must be a positive number!");
"Skew must be between zero and one inclusive!"
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let brn = Bernoulli::new(skew).unwrap();
// Each value represents whether to start that row with a stitch or no stitch
let mut row_bits: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(height - 1);
for _ in 0..row_bits.capacity() {
row_bits.push(brn.sample(&mut rng));
// Each value represents whether to start that column with a stitch or no stitch
let mut col_bits: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(width - 1);
for _ in 0..col_bits.capacity() {
col_bits.push(brn.sample(&mut rng));
// Precomputed values to facilitate alternating between stitch presence and stitch absence
let mut alt_bits: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(width);
let mut alternator: bool = false;
for _ in 0..alt_bits.capacity() {
alternator = !alternator;
/* The first square is always opaque to prevent invisible 1xN or Nx1 patterns. Invisible
* patterns must be prevented so that users don't mistakenly conclude that the function does
* not work. */
let first_square: bool = true;
let mut cur_row: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(width);
let mut lock = stdout().lock();
/* Base case
* The first row has no preceding row, so it's computing using the column stitches */
for col in 0..(cur_row.capacity() - 1) {
print_square(&mut lock, cur_row[col]);
cur_row.push(cur_row[col] ^ col_bits[col]);
print_square(&mut lock, cur_row[cur_row.capacity() - 1]);
println!(); // End of base case
for row_bit in row_bits.iter() {
/* Recursive case
* Each row after the first row is computed based on the preceding row. */
.for_each(|(x1, &x2)| {
*x1 ^= x2 ^ row_bit;
print_square(&mut lock, *x1);
println!(); // End of recursive case