title: "About"
date: 2022-04-27T00:00:00
draft: false
  list: never
My name is Nicholas Johnson. Below are the things I've chosen to associate with my public digital identity.  

## Contact Info
The easiest way to contact me is through email. Feel free to encrypt emails to my Age public key, but be aware that Age over email is no substitute for a proper secure messaging application.

[📬 Email](mailto:nick@nicksphere.ch)
[🔑 Age Key](../resource/age.pub)

After exchanging a few emails, we can migrate to a secure messaging application if it seems appropriate.

## Signing Key
My Signify key serves as my trust anchor. I use it to sign Git commits. Git only supports GnuPG, so I use a hack to sign commits with Signify. You can also use this hack to verify my signed commits.

[🔑 Signify Key](../resource/signify.pub)
[🔐 Git-Signify](https://git.nicksphere.ch/git-signify/)

## Online Services
Below are the online services I host.

### CGit
[🔎 ICANN](https://git.nicksphere.ch)
[🥸 I2P](http://nick5la4gcv6tzdjk2pf55p5vi24pcxseioyko24ffd4x3uijdca.b32.i2p)
[🥸 Tor](http://git.nick6gsepvtmkcpibpid6dqtqroxt62u6ab4ep65vxrenffruumj6jad.onion)

### Tor Relay
[📈 Stats](https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/B04ABF4521C773216BC94F6FC1310686A2ECA150)

## Journal Mirrors
I've established mirrors of my journal on several different servers and networks in order to protect it from server compromise, downtime, and censorship. The URLs without a scheme support both Gemini and the Web.

### Nicksphere (primary mirror)
[🔎 ICANN](//nicksphere.ch)
[🥸 I2P Capsule](gemini://nick6w7lwwzwli57czw5glh3sm2qhnyzbhtq3nohbcnc7j3wqmqq.b32.i2p)
[🥸 I2P Site](http://nickg4tsj3wy3i23faxp5momjcnlwrvwl5ek5l7lkm5vrbblvgbq.b32.i2p)
[🥸 Tor](//nick6gsepvtmkcpibpid6dqtqroxt62u6ab4ep65vxrenffruumj6jad.onion)

### Archive (historical mirror)
[🔎 ICANN](https://web.archive.org/web/20220314013643id_/https://nicksphere.ch/)

### Flounder (partial mirror)
[🔎 ICANN](//0gitnick.flounder.online)

### Sourcehut
[🔎 ICANN](//gitnick.srht.site)

## Donations
I will add donation methods as soon as it's possible to make online payments anonymously without cryptocurrency.

[💸 GNU Taler](https://taler.net)