title: "Come Watch Me Present at LibrePlanet 2022!"
date: 2022-03-14T00:00:01
draft: false
I will be delivering my talk, "Taking back the Web with Haketilo," on Saturday, March 19, 2022; 14:30–15:15 EDT, at the all-online LibrePlanet 2022 conference, and I hope you’ll check it out!

LibrePlanet is a conference about software freedom, happening on March 19–20, 2022. The event is hosted by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), and brings together software developers, law and policy experts, activists, students, and computer users to learn skills, celebrate free software accomplishments, and face upcoming challenges. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet 2022 will feature programming for all ages and experience levels.

Please register in advance, at https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=99.


Okay, enough of the boilerplate. I haven't said a word about Haketilo on this journal yet although I have shared an inspiring story about the main developer[1]. Haketilo is a browser extension project I've had some involvement in over the past few months. I'm very excited to have the opportunity to present it to LibrePlanet this year. You can find a brief biography of me and information about the talk on the LibrePlanet speakers website.[2]

Something like Haketilo has been badly needed ever since JavaScript became a full-fledged programming language several decades ago. I'm surprised something like it didn't arise sooner, but I'm happy it's here now and I'm happy to be a part of it.

I'm normally very reserved when it comes to sharing myself online in a public space. I've uploaded prerecorded videos online before and I've presented live in-person to classroom audiences, but never on webcam in a recorded public livestream that will be made available forever. So it will be a new experience for me. We'll see how it goes.

I've been wanting to talk more about the Web on this journal for a while now. With this LibrePlanet talk, I'll kill two birds with one stone since I won't have to write an entry about it. There are other web-related talks happening at LibrePlanet this year as well. I may link to those on this journal if they cover lots of information I don't end up covering.

There will be a Q&A session at the end of the talk. If you join the IRC, you can participate and ask me questions. After the talk, feel free to shoot me an email with questions or constructive criticisms. I hope to see you there!

[1: Struggle to Graduate Without Nonfree Software](/2021/10/02/struggle-to-graduate-without-nonfree-software)
[2: LibrePlanet Speakers](https://libreplanet.org/2022/speakers/)