title: "Disgustingly Rich"
date: 2021-08-19T00:00:00
draft: false
pageinfo: true
With income and wealth inequality at its peak, a few billionaires now own more wealth than half the world's population. What are they spending all that money on? Well, the world's richest man is using it to rocket himself into space and toss skittles around in zero-g. Meanwhile...

* The climate and ecological crisis goes ignored as last month was the hottest month in recorded history.
* Millions of people (including children) are starving and homeless.
* The delta variant of Covid-19 spreads across the world, killing people while poor countries face a vaccine shortage.
* Democracies are being converted into oligarchies.
* The surveillance state continues to expand out of control, threatening democracy further.
* Millions go without adequate healthcare due to a broken healthcare system.
* Addiction to smartphones and social media worsens as big tech uses its power to brainwash the masses.
* The poor get poorer while the rich get phenomenally richer.
* Poor children are forced to work in sweatshops instead of going to school.
* 29 other top-level issues as chosen by the UN[1].
* A thousand other issues that won't fit on this list.

Since the billionaires' greed is largely responsible for many of these crises in the first place, we ought to take back their wealth through a wealth tax and use it to solve the problems they created.

[1: List of Global Issues](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_global_issues)