title: "Git Is Not Github. Git Is Not Github. Git Is Not Github."
date: 2022-02-25T00:00:00
tags: ['computing']
draft: false
A common confusion among new programmers is that Git and Github are the same thing, despite dozens of online articles and videos explaining the difference. I was probably in their position once myself, so I'm not assigning blame. I'm writing this entry because I think the conflation of Git and Github is harmful.

Git is a powerful version control tool that makes software development and collaboration easier. Github is a cloud-based repository hosting service operated by corporate monster Micro$oft. Git helps millions of developers write better code. Github sold code to [ICE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement), who used it to assist separating families at the border and putting immigrants in cages.

I have said before nobody should use [Github](/2021/05/31/dont-use-github/), especially not people who write free software. If you need a software development platform, use [Sourcehut](https://sourcehut.org/). It has no advertising, tracking, or JavaScript. It's 100% free software and it's the fastest and lightest software forge, [bar none](https://forgeperf.org/). And if you don't like Sourcehut, there's other free software forges out there for whatever your needs are.

A morally neutral version control tool being frequently confused with a morally onerous big tech company is bad. More than just technical confusion, it invites moral confusion. Without knowing the difference, new developers may confuse criticism of Github the company with criticism of Git the tool. They will think "Github is bad? It can't be because I use that program and it's helpful to me."

So if you notice a developer using 'Git' and 'Github' interchangeably, chances are they're probably confused. Please correct them and then teach them there are other software forges that also cost nothing but are technically and ethically superior to Github. That way, even if they decide not to switch away from Github, at least they'll know better alternatives exist.