title: "I Got Diagnosed"
date: 2023-02-21T00:00:01
tags: ['autism']
draft: false
Since I diagnosed myself with autism and some people deceive themselves into thinking they have conditions they don't, I felt it necessary to provide evidence of my autism to readers so I'd have credibility writing about the topic. So, in the middle of last year, I wrote an entry listing [my reasons for believing that I'm autistic](/2022/05/16/coming-out-as-autistic/).

In case there are any skeptics out there, **I've finally been officially diagnosed as autistic by a registered psychotherapist**. I went through a very lengthy and thorough assessment process. I didn't have much doubt about the fact that I'm autistic, but it's still better to have a formal diagnosis than readers taking my word for it.

I should receive a formal report shedding more light on my diagnosis, which I expect to help me in writing about autism as well. But for now, I just wanted to let everyone know I've been diagnosed.

Edit (28-03-2023): I received the full report. I've also been officially diagnosed with alexithymia.