title: "Journal Update 016"
date: 2021-10-09T00:00:00
draft: false
# What's New
* Freenet and Zeronet support have been removed. I don't think anyone is using those platforms to read this journal, so I deem them not worth the maintenance.
* Minor improvements/fixes for capsule/site generation.
* Hosting of site/capsule/services consolidated to 1 machine to lower costs. Previously there were 2 separate machines used for hosting. Unfortunately this means loss of IPv6 support.
* Update PGP key. If my subkeys expire or I publish the revocation certificate, you can assume I've been compromised.

# Future Plans
* Write journal corrections. See journal update 15 for details[1].

[1: Journal Update 015](/2021/09/10/journal-update-015/)