title: "Site Update 012"
date: 2021-06-10T00:00:00
draft: false
makerefs: false
# What's New
* The wonky CSS is fixed. The result is the site is much more presentable and easy to read on mobile and desktop. Specifically, the spacing is more consistent.
* Gitlab pages now correctly generates my website using .gitlab-ci.yml. I deleted my Github mirror since I didn't want to write a CI script to support the proprietary Github pages system.
* New Privatebin instance on the bin subdomain

# Future Plans
* Support multithreading in capsule / site generation scripts. This should make generation go faster.

It just didn't occur to me to support multithreading when I was writing the scripts. Page generation speed isn't a problem now and probably never will be even if I don't update the scripts, but the intermediary changes I have to make before I support multithreading will improve the readability and maintainability of my scripts on its own. I like my code to be as easy to understand as possible for my future self and for others and I'm sure I can do better with those scripts.