title: "Site Update 013"
date: 2021-07-09T00:00:00
draft: false
pageinfo: true
# What's New
* Full content Atom feeds[1] have returned. Before Gemini, I had a full content web feed, not just the summaries. After Gemini, I changed it to summaries only. Now, full content is supported again along with summaries. It was a mistake adding Gemini without full content web feed support. I shouldn't have taken that feature away from readers without warning. I was just so focused on getting Gemini that I ditched the web feed to roll that out early. Apologies to anyone using it. I don't really care how readers access my blog as long as they're reading it and I want to make it as accessible as possible for everyone.
* New content submodule[2]. This almost entirely separates the text on my blog from everything else, significantly reducing the number of files in the main repository. I did this to create a logical separation between the text on the blog and everything used to generate/display that text.
* Clearer licensing. The licensing was unclear before because I didn't clearly indicate which licenses went with which files. Now that content and scripts live in separate repositories, the main repo can use GPLv3 exclusively and the content CC BY-SA 4.0 exclusively.
* Gitlab pages is fixed as of this commit[3]. Before, it wasn't recursively cloning the new content submodule, so the generation process was failing and the mirror was down for a while.
* GNU Audio Video mirror link added. I'm now mirroring all the GNU audios and videos. Before I had the A/V on the mirrors subdomain and A/V links weren't working that way. I realized that particular mirror requires its own domain to display properly, so now it has one.

# Future Plans
* Support multithreading in blog generation scripts. This should make generation go faster. This is even more important now that feeds are generated independently of pages. See site update 12 for details[4].

[1: Atom/RSS feed](/atom.xml)
[2: Nicksphere content submodule](https://git.nicksphere.ch/nicksphere-gmi-content)
[3: Gitlab CI fix](https://git.nicksphere.ch/nicksphere-gmi/commit/?id=3ea0615f72fcae2d345f239569019429c5d5d168)
[4: Site Update 012](/2021/06/10/site-update-012/)