title: "Site Update 014"
date: 2021-08-28T00:00:00
draft: false
# What's New
* My blog was added to nightfall.city[1].

Nightfall.city is a virtual city. I'm on main street. Being added was a pleasant surprise. I like these little Gemini communities. I like reading other people's Gemlogs and finding out what they're up to. The browsing experience of the Geminispace is so much more user-friendly than browsing the web. I could browse for hours. I encourage you to download a Gemini client and explore the space yourself.

Personally, I like the uniformity of presentation. It lends itself to a non-distracting, enjoyable experience. I like knowing I'm not going to encounter ads, tracking cookies or other garbage and I don't have to worry about client-side JavaScript because Gemini doesn't support JavaScript or cookies! I can focus on what's important: the content.

I also like the simplicity. I don't have to learn how to navigate every new Gemini capsule I visit because they're all the same. My brain doesn't have to get used to different stylesheets. It's just better. I'll probably do a post about Gemini in the future. Anyway, the web is a bloated mess. Long live Gemini!

# Future Plans
* Support multithreading in blog generation scripts. This should make generation go faster. This is even more important now that feeds are generated independently of pages. See site update 12 for details[2].
* Support caching in blog generation scripts. This should make generation go much faster.

[1: nightfall.city](//nightfall.city)
[2: Site Update 012](../../../../2021/06/10/site-update-012/)