.TH PASS-OTP 1 "2017 February 14" "Password store OTP extension" .SH NAME pass-otp - A \fBpass\fP(1) extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens. .SH SYNOPSIS .B pass otp [ .I COMMAND ] [ .I OPTIONS ]... [ .I ARGS ]... .SH DESCRIPTION .B pass-otp extends the .BR pass (1) utility with the .B otp command for adding OTP secrets, generating OTP codes, and displaying secret key URIs using the standard \fIotpauth://\fP scheme. If no COMMAND is specified, COMMAND defaults to \fBshow\fP. .SH COMMANDS .TP \fBotp show\fP [ \fI--clip\fP, \fI-c\fP ] \fIpass-name\fP Generate and print an OTP code from the secret key stored in \fIpass-name\fP. If \fI--clip\fP or \fI-c\fP is specified, do not print the code but instead copy it to the clipboard using .BR xclip (1) and then restore the clipboard after 45 (or \fIPASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME\fP) seconds. .TP \fBotp insert\fP [ \fI--force\fP, \fI-f\fP ] \fIuri\fP \fIpass-name\fP Insert a new OTP secret specified by \fIuri\fP into the password store at \fIpass-name\fP. \fIuri\fP must be formatted according to the Key Uri Format; see the documentation at .UR https://\:github.\:com/\:google/\:google-authenticator/\:wiki/\:Key-Uri-Format .UE . Prompt before overwriting an existing password, unless \fI--force\fP or \fI-f\fP is specified. This command is alternatively named \fBadd\fP. .TP \fBotp insert totp\fP [ \fI--secret\fP=\fIkey\fP, \fI-s\fP \fIkey\fP ] [ \fI--issuer\fP=\fIissuer\fP, \fI-i\fP \fIissuer\fP ] [ \fI--accountname\fP=\fIname\fP, \fI-n\fP \fIname\fP ] [ \fI--algorithm\fP=\fIalgorithm\fP, \fI-a\fP \fIalgorithm\fP ] [ \fI--period\fP=\fIperiod\fP, \fI-p\fP \fIperiod\fP ] [ \fI--digits\fP=\fIdigits\fP, \fI-d\fP \fIdigits\fP ] [ \fI--force\fP, \fI-f\fP ] \fIpass-name\fP Insert a new TOTP secret into the password store called \fIpass-name\fP. If \fI--secret\fP or \fI-s\fP are not specified, this will read \fIKEY\fP from standard in. Prompt before overwriting an existing password, unless \fI--force\fP or \fI-f\fP is specified. This command is alternatively named \fBadd totp\fP. .TP \fBotp insert hotp\fP [ \fI--secret\fP=\fIkey\fP, \fI-s\fP \fIkey\fP ] [ \fI--issuer\fP=\fIissuer\fP, \fI-i\fP \fIissuer\fP ] [ \fI--accountname\fP=\fIname\fP, \fI-n\fP \fIname\fP ] [ \fI--digits\fP=\fIdigits\fP, \fI-d\fP \fIdigits\fP ] [ \fI--force\fP, \fI-f\fP ] \fIpass-name\fP \fIcounter\fP Insert a new HOTP secret into the password store called \fIpass-name\fP. A \fIcounter\fP argument is required, which is an integer specifying the initial HOTP counter stored alongside the secret. If \fI--secret\fP or \fI-s\fP are not specified, this will read \fIKEY\fP from standard in. Prompt before overwriting an existing password, unless \fI--force\fP or \fI-f\fP is specified. This command is alternatively named \fBadd hotp\fP. .TP \fBotp uri\fP [ \fI--clip\fP, \fI-c\fP | \fI--qrcode\fP, \fI-q\fP ] pass-name Create and print a URI encoding the secret key and OTP parameters using the standard \fIotpauth://\fP scheme. If \fI--clip\fP or \fI-c\fP is specified, do not print the URI but instead copy it to the clipboard using .BR xclip (1) and then restore the clipboard after 45 (or \fIPASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME\fP) seconds. If \fI--qrcode\fP or \fI-q\fP is specified, do not print the URI but instead display a QR code using .BR qrencode (1) either to the terminal or graphically if supported. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-c\fP, \fB--clip\fP Put the OTP code in the clipboard. .TP \fB\-f\fP, \fB--force\fP Force to update and do not wait for user instruction. .TP \fB-s\fP \fIkey\fP, \fB--secret\fR=\fIkey\fP Provide a secret \fIkey\fP. This key must be base32-encoded. .TP \fB-a\fP \fIalgorithm\fP, \fB--algorithm\fP=\fIalgorithm\fP Specify the \fIalgorithm\fP for a TOTP secret. Accepted values are \fIsha1\fP, \fIsha256\fP, and \fIsha512\fP. This option defaults to \fIsha1\fP. .TP \fB-p\fP \fIperiod\fP, \fB--period\fP=\fIperiod\fP Specify the \fIperiod\fP for a TOTP secret, in seconds. This option defaults to \fI30\fP. .TP \fB-d\fP \fIdigits\fP, \fB--digits\fP=\fIdigits\fP Specify the number of \fIdigits\fP this secret should generate when used with \fBshow\fP. Accepted values are \fI6\fP and \fI8\fP. This option defaults to \fI6\fP. .TP \fB\-h\fB, \-\-help\fR Show usage message. .SH SEE ALSO .BR pass(1), .SH AUTHORS .B pass-otp was written by .MT tadfisher@gmail.com Tad Fisher .ME . .SH COPYING This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .