BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterPut TODO inside HOWTO.mdNicholas Johnson15 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-11-30Put TODO inside HOWTO.mdHEADmasterNicholas Johnson
2023-11-30Switch to the Diátaxis documentation approachNicholas Johnson
2023-09-01Replace Git mailing list link with Git Rev NewsNicholas Johnson
2023-08-04Mention correspondence with Git developersNicholas Johnson
2023-07-17Add warningNicholas Johnson
2023-07-17Clarify languageNicholas Johnson
2023-07-16Fix TODONicholas Johnson
2023-07-16Make big improvements to the READMENicholas Johnson
2023-07-12Add TODONicholas Johnson
2023-07-12Clarify the privacy riskNicholas Johnson