path: root/layouts/term/term.gemini_atom.xml
diff options
authorNicholas Johnson <mail@nicholasjohnson.ch>2024-08-16 00:00:00 +0000
committerNicholas Johnson <mail@nicholasjohnson.ch>2024-08-17 00:00:00 +0000
commit469317350742db76dec3ebd42a6e8631b3549a4fc44175895ea0e7518280669f (patch)
tree337ee7c17d233ff6d37ad08f33e3049bb24b7a95beb5f8657b7ab6ea2fc801ab /layouts/term/term.gemini_atom.xml
parent5a7dae6f0166c21e3e45f0e92c173445894618b6a0dc380c76f87abc71bf04cd (diff)
Combine two replaceRE ops into one
Diffstat (limited to 'layouts/term/term.gemini_atom.xml')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/layouts/term/term.gemini_atom.xml b/layouts/term/term.gemini_atom.xml
index d5539f1..a5d3dad 100644
--- a/layouts/term/term.gemini_atom.xml
+++ b/layouts/term/term.gemini_atom.xml
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
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@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
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+ <id>{{ .Permalink | replaceRE `^https://(.*)index.gmi$` "gemini://$1" | safeURL }}</id>
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